South Lakeland District Council has issued a Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule indicating the levels of tax to be imposed on new build development. Detailed representations have been made in relation to the proposals by Garner Planning. If you wish to discuss the implications for any proposed development in the District please call Chris Garner.
South Lakeland Community Infrastructure Levy
May 21st, 2014 | Posted by in News - (Comments Off on South Lakeland Community Infrastructure Levy)Garner Planning has secured planning and listed building consent to refurbish the Morecambe Hotel and provide new letting rooms at first and second floor level. Works have now commenced on this key building in Morecambe Conservation Area with the intention of re-opening the business in early Summer 2014
Garner Planning has secured planning permission for a new detached dwelling in the heart of the village. The planning authority agreed that despite the Amenity Space designation that the location of the proposed dwelling, beyond a screen of mature trees, meant the proposal was acceptable in landscape terms.