Legal Commencement of Development

December 18th, 2020 | Posted by Chris Garner in News

A planning permission is granted for a period of 3 years. Within that time you must commence the development to keep the consent live. What constitutes a legal commencement is set out in statute. You must clear all pre-commencement conditions before you commence development otherwise the works will not be considered lawful.

Garner Planning has recently secured a Lawful Development Certificate, in South Lakeland District, to obtain the local planning authority’s formal acknowledgement that the development was commenced prior to the end of the 3 year period. The development can now proceed within a timescale of the owners own choosing.

If  you have a consent and want to be absolutely certain that a commencement is lawful and the consent remains live beyond the 3 year period, give Chris Garner a call to discuss.


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